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Beekeeping Tips for Beginners

Until this day, beekeeping is something that a lot of people consider doing. Fortunately, you can read more here for some beekeeping tips for beginners now!

When a person maintains bee colonies, that person is doing beekeeping. These bee colonies are often placed in man-made hives. The bees that are used in beekeeping are those that produce honey. You can always expect these bees to sting but there are some that are stingless.

The main goal to beekeeping is to ensure to get a good supply of honey. The job of the beekeeper is to make sure that extraction of beekeeping honey is carried out. The other products that you can find from the hive include propolis, beeswax, bee pollen, flower pollen, and royal jelly. Beekeepers also collect bees to pollinate crops and produce more bees that they can sell to other beekeepers. For bees to be kept, they should be in a bee yard.

Beekeeping can be challenging if you have no idea what you are doing. Aside from preparing your very own starting kit for beekeeping and bee harvesting equipment, you also need to have adequate knowledge about the matter. To read more about beekeeping in detail, make sure to check out EbeeHQ.

You have to prepare yourself physically and mentally if you want to be a successful beekeeper. For bees, they make sure to keep their hive protected. As an intruder, expect to get stung by these bees as they protect their hive. You will have to accept the fact that you will be getting your fair share of stings as the beekeeper. For those who want to engage in beekeeping but have fears of bees and being stung, it is best to put an end to these apprehensions now. Keep in mind that once you get the hang of dealing with bees and become more confident, stings will not happen too often anymore.

To handle bees better, you should know the right time to manipulate them. In order for you to open your bee colonies and check on them, do it where there is no wind and the day is both sunny and warm. During those times, the older bees will go out searching for their food. Come the rainy, cold, and windy days, you can expect these older bees to stay inside of their hives.

It is going to be challenging to examine your bees when there is nectar shortage than when there is nectar abundance. Though not all the time, the use of sugar syrup may help.

Spring is the best time to check on your bees with their smaller populations. Usually, bees can only tolerate as much as 10 to 15 minutes of moderate manipulation. Do not keep the hives always open for a longer time. You should close the hive when the bees become noisy or nervous upon examination.

Check EbeeHQ so you can see more here about beekeeping.

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